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Questions? Call 855-253-8439 today
Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC is committed to providing an accessible website. If you have difficulty accessing content, have difficulty viewing a file on the website, or notice any accessibility problems, please contact us to specify the nature of the accessibility issue and the assistive technology you use. We will strive to provide the content you need in the format you require. We welcome your suggestions and comments about improving ongoing efforts to increase the accessibility of this website.
There are actions you can take to adjust your web browser to make your web experience more accessible.
I am blind or can’t see very well
If you have trouble seeing web pages, the US Social Security Administration offers these tips for optimizing your computer and browser to improve your online experience.
I find a keyboard or mouse hard to use
If you find a keyboard or mouse difficult to use, speech recognition software such as Dragon® NaturallySpeaking may help you navigate web pages and online services. This software allows the user to
move focus around a web page or application screen through voice controls.
I am deaf or hard of hearing
If you are deaf or hard of hearing, there are several accessibility features available to you.
Lakeview Correspondent provides links to web sites of other organizations in order to provide visitors with certain information. A link does not constitute an endorsement of content, viewpoint, policies, products or services of that web site and accessibility is not guaranteed. Once you link to another web site not maintained by Lakeview Correspondent, you are subject to the terms and conditions of that web site, including but not limited to its privacy policy.
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